Core Facilities Support Awards
- Supports applications that facilitate the development or improvement of core facilities that will provide valuable services to support and enhance scientifically meritorious cancer research projects. Funds may be requested to develop a new facility or to enhance the capabilities of an existing facility that will directly support and impact cancer research programs at the institution and in the region. CPRIT will look with special favor on applications that propose a facility that will serve cancer researchers at multiple Texas research institutions, in particular TREC-eligible institutions. Award: The maximum duration for this award mechanism is 5 years. Applicants may request up to a maximum of $3,000,000 in total costs.
Early Clinical Investigator Award
- Solicits applications from institutions to provide cancer physicians early in their academic career the opportunity to develop clinical research skills and to gain experience in advanced methods and experimental approaches needed to become clinical investigators; to provide an opportunity to establish a partnership with a laboratory-based collaborator in order to design and conduct correlative studies needed to interpret the outcome of an interventional trial; to provide the protected time from clinical responsibilities required to develop and conduct investigator initiated clinical trials; and to increase the pool of clinical investigators at Texas academic institutions who are conducting patient-oriented studies, capitalizing on basic discoveries and translating them through conduct of innovative clinical trials involving cancer patients or individuals at risk for cancer. Award: Up to $1,000,000 (total costs) Maximum duration: 5 years.
High-Impact/High-Risk Research Awards
- Supports applications that explore the feasibility of high-risk projects that, if successful, would contribute major new insights into the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of cancers. Using this mechanism, CPRIT intends to support innovative, developmental projects that focus on exceptionally promising topics that are not yet sufficiently mature to compete successfully for more conventional funding. The HIHR Research Awards are expected to provide the foundation for individual or multiple investigator peer-reviewed awards upon completion. The goal of this award mechanism is to fund uncommonly great ideas that merit the opportunity to acquire preliminary data. Award: Applicants may request a total of $250,000 for a period of up to 24 months.
TREC: Advancing Innovative Individual Research Awards at TREC-Eligible Institutions
- Supports research projects addressing critically important questions, that will significantly advance knowledge of the causes, prevention, and/or treatment of cancer. This award allows experienced or early-career-stage cancer researchers the opportunity to explore new methods and approaches for investigating a question of importance that has been inadequately addressed or for which there may be an absence of an established paradigm or technical framework. Award: Applicants may request up to a maximum of $750,000 in total costs. Duration: 3 years.
TREC: Core Facilities Support Awards
- Supports applications that facilitate the development or improvement of core facilities that will provide valuable services to support and enhance scientifically meritorious cancer research projects at TREC eligible institutions. Funds may be requested to develop a new facility or to enhance the capabilities of an existing facility that will directly support and impact cancer research programs at the institution and in the region. CPRIT will look with special favor on applications that propose a facility that will serve cancer researchers at multiple Texas research institutions, in particular TREC-eligible institutions. Award: The maximum duration for this award mechanism is 5 years. Applicants may request up to a maximum of $2,000,000 in total costs.
TREC: Pilot Study Award
- Provides short-term funding to explore the feasibility of cancer research projects at TREC-eligible institutions that, if successful, would contribute new insights into the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of cancers forming the basis for applications for peer-reviewed funding from CPRIT or other organizations. Award: Total of $200,000 over a period of 2 years.
NOTE: Award mechanism-specific forms shown above, supercede the generic documents below. If the form is not listed with the award mechanism, please use the generic version of the form below.
Application Templates
Academic Research Programs: Biographical Sketch
Academic Research Programs: Current and Pending Support
Academic Research Programs: Current and Pending Support Example
Academic Research Programs: IIRACT Summary Checklist Template
Academic Research Programs: Recruitment - Current and Pending Support
Academic Research Programs: Product Development Plan
Academic Research Programs: Connect IRB Protocol
Academic Research Programs: Texas Connect Study Sample Budget
Academic Research Programs: Specific Aims Page Template
Academic Research Programs - Recruitment: Specific Aims and Layperson_Summary Page Template
Academic Research Programs: CFSA Renewal Tables Templates
Academic Research Programs: CFSA Renewal Tables Examples
To save a copy of the forms above, right-click on the name, select the 'Save' option from the pop-up menu. This may vary depending on your browser.