Current Funding Opportunities


Prevention Programs

Award Mechanism

Documents and Forms

Cancer Screening and Early Detection - This award mechanism seeks to support the delivery of evidence-based clinical services to screen for cancer and pre-cancer in underserved populations who do not have adequate access to cancer early detection interventions and health care, bringing together networks of public health and community partners to carry out programs tailored for their communities. Projects should identify cancers that cause the most burden in the community, have nationally recommended screening methods, and use evidence-based methods to screen for these cancers.
Award: Maximum of $1M for new projects and $2.5M for expansion projects; Duration: Maximum 5 years

Request for Application (RFA)Download Request for Application (RFA) in Adobe PDF format
Instructions for ApplicantsDownload Instructions for Applicants in Adobe PDF format
Opens 3-19-25

Dissemination of CPRIT-Funded Cancer Control Interventions - This award mechanism seeks to fund projects that will facilitate the dissemination and implementation of successful CPRIT Prevention Program-funded, evidence-based cancer prevention and control interventions across Texas. The proposed project should be able to develop one or more "products" based on the results of a previously CPRIT Prevention Program-funded intervention project. The proposed project should describe and package strategies or approaches for dissemination to other partners, settings, and populations in the state.
Award: Maximum of $450,000; Maximum duration of 3 years

Request for Application (RFA)Download Request for Application (RFA) in Adobe PDF format
Instructions for ApplicantsDownload Instructions for Applicants in Adobe PDF format
Opens 3-19-25

Primary Prevention of Cancer - This award mechanism focuses on increasing implementation of evidence-based strategies to ensure that all Texans benefit from the cancer prevention knowledge that we currently have. CPRIT seeks to fund multilevel interventions to reduce cancer risk, disease burden, and cancer disparities. Modifiable risk behaviors include tobacco use, obesity, physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, alcohol use, sun exposure, HPV vaccination, Hepatitis B vaccination, and environmental/ occupational cancer exposures. Interventions and communications should be structured to address the unique circumstances of the population to be served.
Award: Maximum of $1 for new projects and $2.5M for expansion projects; Duration: Maximum 5 years

Request for Application (RFA)Download Request for Application (RFA) in Adobe PDF format
Instructions for ApplicantsDownload Instructions for Applicants in Adobe PDF format
Opens 3-19-25

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NOTE: Award mechanism-specific forms shown above, supercede the generic documents below. If the form is not listed with the award mechanism, please use the generic version of the form below.

Application Templates




Prevention Programs: Biographical Sketches

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Prevention Programs: Current and Pending Support

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Prevention Programs: Current and Pending Support Example

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Prevention Programs: CPRIT Grants Summary

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